In late 2012, a year after the game came out, all of this content was bundled together in The Full Package version of the game, minus two unpopular Disc-One Nuke DLC items. It also received multiple Downloadable Content packs on and after its release.

Some noted that the game either became too easy after a certain point or that the second game is better for various reasons. The game received positive reviews from critics, while gamers were more mixed. The character sheet is found under the series' name for continuity reasons. It's also thematically a fair bit different than even 2 while 2 was a decent bit sillier than the original Saint's Row, Third kicks the absurdity into overdrive in a bid to give the series a different identity than its greatest point of comparison, Grand Theft Auto.

through options (ranging from realistic to absurd, such as scars or making your character blue) and appearance (such as loose clothing and hair actually bouncing and moving now) like they were in the previous game.

Character customization has also received a make-over, which now favors quality over quantity note so much so the demo was a character creator. The game differs from its predecessors in a number of areas, primarily through respect unlocking upgrades rather than missions, as well as activities also unlocking portions of gang territories similarly to stores. They are led by Eddie "Killbane" Pryor, a former professional wrestler who acts as The Heavy of the Syndicate.